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Favorite victims of Messi and Ronaldo in their National Teams while both played in Spain

Leo Messi

Opponent Games Minutes Goals Penalties Assists Contribution Mins/goal Mins/contribution
1. Paraguay Paraguay 5 450′ 4 3 4
2. Ecuador Ecuador 3 209′ 4 0 1
3. Brasil Brazil 6 540′ 4 0 0
4. Guatemala Guatemala 1 68′ 3 1 1
5. Haití Haiti 1 90′ 3 1 1
6. Suiza Switzerland 2 210′ 3 1 1
7. Uruguay Uruguay 6 565′ 3 0 1
8. Chile Chile 6 570′ 3 1 1
9. Panamá Panama 1 29′ 3 0 0
10. Bolivia Bolivia 6 430′ 3 1 0
11. Venezuela Venezuela 5 450′ 2 1 5
12. Colombia Colombia 5 392′ 2 0 2
13. Hong Kong Hong Kong 1 30′ 2 0 1
14. Nigeria Nigeria 3 243′ 2 0 1
15. España Spain 2 173′ 2 1 0
16. Albania Albania 1 90′ 1 0 2
17. Estados Unidos USA 2 180′ 1 0 2
18. Portugal Portugal 2 135′ 1 1 1
19. México Mexico 2 180′ 1 0 1
20. Eslovenia Eslovenia 1 32′ 1 0 0
21. Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina 1 90′ 1 0 0
22. Croacia Croatia 1 90′ 1 1 0
23. Irán Iran 1 90′ 1 0 0
24. Alemania Germany 4 390′ 1 0 0

Cristiano Ronaldo

Opponent Games Minutes Goals Penalties Assists Contribution Mins/goal Mins/contribution
1. Andorra Andorra 2 180′ 5 0 0
2. Suecia Sweden 3 237′ 5 0 0
3. Hungría Hungary 5 387′ 4 0 2
4. Islas Feroe Faroe Islands 2 180′ 4 1 1
5. Letonia Latvia 2 180′ 4 1 1
6. Armenia Armenia 2 180′ 4 1 0
7. Dinamarca Denmark 6 540′ 3 0 1
8. Irlanda del Norte Northern Ireland 2 180′ 3 0 0
9. Países Bajos Netherlands 3 248′ 3 0 0
10. España Spain 4 345′ 3 1 0
11. Chipre Chipre 1 90′ 2 1 1
12. Luxemburgo Luxembourg 2 135′ 2 0 1
13. Camérun Cameroon 2 177′ 2 0 1
14. Estonia Estonia 1 45′ 2 0 0
15. Egipto Egypt 1 90′ 2 0 0
16. Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina 2 180′ 2 0 0
17. Corea del Norte North Korea 1 90′ 1 0 1
18. Gales Wales 1 90′ 1 0 1
19. Bélgica Belgium 1 61′ 1 0 0
20. Panamá Panama 1 61′ 1 0 0
21. Ecuador Ecuador 1 62′ 1 0 0
22. Ghana Ghana 1 90′ 1 0 0
23. Nueva Zelanda New Zealand 1 90′ 1 1 0
24. República Checa Czech Republic 1 90′ 1 0 0
25. Argentina Argentina 2 105′ 1 0 0